/* * WATCH OUT THIS IS JAVASCRIPT! * * SO DO NOT USE MULTIPLE LINES BUT KEEP ONE STRING IN ONE LINE! * * Do NOT use the double apostrophe (") in the string but just the * single one (') * */ // Name of the person // var supnames = new Array( "Jo Leinen", "Ulrike Lunacek", "Polly Higgins", "Jim Skelly", "Pim Martens", "Daniel Quinn", "Javier Gil Valle", "Niko Paech", "David Zierler", "Rainer Nõlvak", "Mark Gray", "Jakob Schwarz", "Keith Taylor", "Pierre Johnson", "Eva Joly", "Philipp Aepler", "Olga Rostkowska", "David Marty", "Mireia Ros", "Andrea Biondi", "Natalie Bennett", "Steven Freeland", "Satish Kumar" ); // Filename of the picture image XxxXxxx.jpg // var supimgurl = new Array( "JoLeinen", "UlrikeLunacek", "PollyHiggins", "JimSkelly", "PimMartens", "DanielQuinn", "JavierGilValle", "NikoPaech", "DavidZierler", "RainerNolvak", "MarkGray", "JakobSchwarz", "KeithTaylor", "PierreJohnson", "EvaJoly", "PhilippAepler", "OlgaRostkowska", "DavidMarty", "MireiaRos", "AndreaBiondi", "NathalieBennett", "StevenFreeland", "SatishKumar" ); // Title / Role of the person // var suptitles = new Array( "Member of European Parliament, Germany", "Member of European Parliament Austria, Vice-President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament", "International lawyer proposing Ecocide as Crime Against Peace", "Director Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, Juniata College", "Director International Centre for Integrated assessment & Sustainable development (ICIS), Maastricht University", "Američki pisac i autor glasovitog romana Ishmael", "Spanish Actor", "apl. Professor Dr., University of Oldenburg", "Ph.D., Author, The Invention of Ecocide: Agent Orange, Vietnam, and the Scientists Who Changed the Way We Think About the Environment", "Founder and chief motivator of Let's Do It! World clean-up movement", "Canadian-Australian lawyer Mark Gray, author of ‘The international crime of ecocide’ (1994)", "Co-Spokesperson, Federation of Young European Greens", "Member of European Parliament, United Kingdom", "MSc in ecological economics, author of 'Fair Trade proposals for the 21th century' and 'Biopiracy: what alternatives to the plundering of natural resources and ancient knowledge?'", "Judge, Member of European Parliament, France", "President, International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS)", "European Medical Students’ Association Officer in Brussels", "Spanish Activist", "Spanish Actress and film director", "Professor of European Union Law and Co-Director of the Centre for European Law at King’s College, London", "Leader, Green Party of England and Wales", "Professor of International Law, Co-Director of Research and HDR School of Law, University of Western Sydney", "Indian activist and editor of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine. Jain monk and nuclear disarmament advocate, pacifist" ); // Statement of the person // use
to force a line break in the text // use BOLD TEXT to make a text passage bold // var supmsg = new Array( "The European Union was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for enabling peace between people and states in the second half of the 20th century. A new mission for the EU for the 21st century must be to reconcile the people and the planet.", "Ecocides are destroying the livelihoods of people worldwide. By means of the European Citizens Initiative 'End Ecocide' we have a tool to fight against ecological murder and to vote in favour of an ecological balance. This is why I sign 'End Ecocide' and why you should support 'End Ecocide' as well.", "Making Ecocide a crime is something I can’t do alone, 11 citizens can’t do alone, but 1 million people coming on board, saying yes, I agree with this, let\’s move forward to make our world a better place for ourselves in our life times and for future generations, can make it happen", "We cannot continue the wanton violation of Nature! The campaign to end Ecocide and make it a crime against international Peace is an initiative every right-thinking person should join!", "Our health depends on healthy ecosystems and biodiversity in ways that are not always apparent or appreciated. For our survival and that of many other species we need to put an end to degrading our earthly resources.The End Ecocide in Europe initiative will be instrumental in achieving this.", "Evo priče o Rayu Andersonu, Golijatu, čelniku međunarodne korporacije, najvećeg svjetskog proizvođača industrijskih sagova. On je proizvodio tepihe od neobnovljivih resursa (nafte) koji se nisu mogli reciklirati – iako su udovoljavali SVIM propisima. Čitajući dvije knjige, moj roman Ishmael i Ekologiju trgovine, autora Paula Hawkena, Ray Anderson je shvatio da udovoljavanje propisima NIJE DOVOLJNO. Transformirao je svoju kompaniju: započeo je proizvoditi sve svoje tepihe od obnovljivih resursa (bez nafte) i svi su se sada mogli u potpunosti reciklirati. S obzirom da su ga njegovi konkurenti morali slijediti kako bi ostali konkurentni, ovaj Golijat nije samo transformirao svoju kompaniju, on je transformirao globalnu industriju. Koja je lekcija?
Ne morate UBITI Golijata, morate samo PROMIJENITI NJEGOVE STAVOVE.", "Citizens in Action for an Efficient environmental legislation, fully green and global.
The only inspiring future is the green one. At all levels, future must redesign from education, culture and knowledge to housing, commerce and justice in order to reach this sustainable future.", "The initiative to outlaw ecological destruction as major crime is a cause I can only support. This is not only about the protection of the environment anymore but about the preservation of the natural capital without which we can't provide for ourselves. This affects particularly people in Africa, Asia and Latin America. For - as a consequence of the destruction of European natural habitats - we are increasingly using the landscapes of other continents, for example through land grabbing. We sack them and take away the basis of food production for those living there.", "I am gratified and excited by the forward thinking - and world-changing - prospect of creating an international legal regime that would once and for all codify ecocide as a crime. Too often unchecked and mindless ecological destruction is perpetrated by state and corporate actors at the expense of landscapes, wildlife, people. This is what motiviated the late Yale biologist Arthur Galston to coin the term 'ecocide' to protest the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam. I am sure he would see the work of the End Ecocide campaign as a worthy continuation of his cause.", "Frankly, I was surprised to discover end-of-ecocide petition. I thought large scale ecosystem destruction was outlawed internationally years ago. Turns out, it is not! Turns out, it is completely legal for EU company to create permanent damage to nature somewhere on the far side of the globe and get away with it. Let's make this thing of the past!", "Twenty-five years ago, I proposed a definition, based on existing international human rights and environmental law, of ecocide, to help develop the concept for acceptance as an international crime. I am therefore delighted to see it being taken up today by End Ecocide in Europe. I believe this legal foundation, if applied to transboundary action or neglect of sufficient magnitude and consequence which is wasteful and unnecessary for human survival, can form the basis of a new international crime. Europe, with its high degree of industrialisation and interdependence, combined with a sophisticated legal and regulatory framework, is a great place to start.", "Increasingly the basis of living for current and future generations of humans and other species is destroyed by reckless practices such as Deepwater oil and shale gas drilling, Mountaintop removal or tar sand mining. I believe these mass destructions of ecosystems are unacceptable no-matter-what and should be legally banned, starting in the EU, and for EU companies. Our planet is too precious to deal with these destructions by economic disincentives that might work or not, or by cajoling. I therefore welcome and fully support the initiative \’End Ecocide in Europe\’!", "Making 'Ecocide' a 5th Crime Against Peace is essential if we are to halt environmental destruction. This is the time to introduce new standards into European law.", "In recent centuries, economic and industrial development has brought better living conditions to Mankind. But these changes were often made ​at the expense of ecosystems and a major part of the world population. Today, their cumulative effect threaten the very balance of life on Earth. We simply have to change our operating system if we want to retain a future on this planet. Respect for all living beings and ecosystems as well as the planetary boundaries is part of the new emerging ethics, which is necessary to guarantee a good life for all. The European Citizens' Initiative End Ecocide in Europe is a powerful tool to enhance the awareness of European citizens and officials of the need to pursue this new approach.", "When we know how multinationals destroy our environment and ways of life of some people, it becomes obvious that we need a law that will make them responsible, in front of us and in front of future generations. We couldn’t have a better purpose for this very important initiative.", "King Anoshirvan once was on a journey through his kingdom, right at the time when prophet Mohamed was born. When he saw an old man planting one year old shoots on a hillside closeby. 'What are you doing here?', the king asked. 'I plant walnuts' answered the aged. The king wondered: 'You are very old. Why do you still plant shoots whose leaves you won't ever see, in whose shadow you won't ever repose and whose fruits you won't be able to enjoy?' The old man looked up to the eyes of the king and replied: 'Those who came before us planted and we could harvest. We plant now that those, coming after us, will harvest too.'
(Neo-persian legend)
Elinor Ostrom, the 1st political scientist receiving the Nobel Prize, introduced one of the greatest challenges of our common future to a wide, international public: problems of collective actions - or in her words 'The Tragedy of the Commons'. It describes the phenomenon that unregulated and unaware individual actions lead to destruction of the environment and by that the base of our coexistance. It is our common duty to take care of what the planet provides us, to protect the system of nature against demolition and to preserve the global biosphere. The youth based initiative on the official recognition by the European Union of - ECOCIDE - as crime that has to be persecuted is in great interest of us all. The International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS) - which embraces more than 15.000 students worldwide - is glad to support this tremendous challenge.", "It has been proven long ago that the healthy environment means healthier people living in it. There are some obvious arguments for that, such as overwhelming benefits of clean air and water, the best crops produced only by the non-contaminated soil or the possible cancer cures hidden deeply in the tropical forests and still awaiting discovery. However, defending the laws of our planet has an even deeper meaning. By the protection of nature and the unconditional disapproval of its devastation, we ensure that our grandchildren would play in a charming, clean, GREEN, stable place. And this cannot be provided by any computer programme, space ship travel, super novel drug or a bank account check of an unlimited value.", "How long can we wait until the effects of climate change become irreversible? Caring about the environment is no longer a matter of what type of person one is, what one likes doing during leisure time, or whether we belong to some 'green' group or not. Climate change concerns all of us, men and women, the religious and the atheists, leftists and conservatives, the rich and the poor... All of us citizens in Europe must pressure our political elites to act upon this pressing issue because there is no other alternative, short of replacing the entire system. If we all spend a little bit of our time and lend some of our energy or maybe some other resources to the www.EndEcocide.eu campaign, the outcome might very well surprise us in the best way.", "I respect my mother because she takes care of me and feeds me with the fruit of her body.
I take care of my mother because she provides me with everything needed for my growth and my subsistence.
I love my mother because returning that natural generosity is the the right act of her children.
I love, respect and take care of Gaia, mother Earth.", "We must support new and stricter rules to halt dangerous industrial activities leading to ecocide. These rules must be coupled with incentives to promote a more sustainable economy that will protect our environment for future generations.", "We have to create new international standards of behaviour, demand decent standards of action that respect the rights of humans and the planet.", "Humankind has, for far too long, regarded the environment only as of secondary importance when engaged in other activities involving trade and commerce, industrial development and the conduct of armed conflict. Those existing international laws that have been codified and which may be relevant are, generally, either too compromised in their terms or have not been respected for lack of effective sanctions. Many members of civil society, academics, lawyers, NGOs and parliamentarians are now working towards rectifying this situation, and the work of the European Citizens Initiatve to 'End Ecocide in Europe' represents an important part of this process and should be supported in every possible way.", "We are nature, so destruction of nature is destruction of ourselves. We need to save nature to save ourselves." );